AB Workout Machine Equipment Home Gym Core Abdominal Trainers Adjustable E415-JFJQGSHGDHKXT430MV9
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The curved bar increases effectivesliding distance, allowing you to burn more fat with each repcompared to a straight bar crunch machine. This core & abdominaltrainers helps reduce reliance on the neck and back, effectivelytargeting the abdominal muscles.

Made with thickened carbon steel pipes,combined with ergonomic design and a golden triangle structure,this core abdominal exercise fitness equipment can support users upto 440 lbs without wobbling or falling apart during use.

Adjust the workout settings based ontraining intensity and your height. The pin adjustment mechanismrequires no complicated steps. This ab crunch exercise equipmentcan accompany you from beginner to expert, providing variedchallenges.

Designed with thorough and thoughtfulconsiderations. Comes with a built-in counter to track yourachievements. The overall grip is comfortable, with softsupport.

Pulling the pin immediately reduces thefootprint. Your room remains spacious when not in use.